Archive for the ‘online banking’ Category

crazy yet cool: benefits of online banking & my first 1.5 months with ing’s savings account
September 4, 2007

That’s far more aggressive than three years of business with our brick-and-mortar bank — all three years combined. Not even close.

ING’s low overhead packs a punch in our favor: 4.5% interest rate, no minimum balance vs the brick-and-mortar bank of $2,500 minimal opening balance at .65%.

It frankly took a while for my psyche to actually embrace online banks; it was purely phobic on my part where as my husband was more game long ago to commit. We chose ING for their name recognition.

The monthly & annual yield makes for supreme immediate gratification; I split my pants every week to deposit more into the account. Maybe that means savings is fun – or I need to get out more. Hmm.

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